The name of the Association shall be ‘Fife
County Ladies Golf Association’.
2. Objects
– the objects for which the Association is established are:
To commit to encouraging the participation in
and the development of golf in the county of Fife (the County), by providing
training for junior girls and ladies, particularly those aspiring to play for
the Fife County Teams and for National or International honours;
To arrange and hold golf competitions and matches
for its members and provide prizes and awards there for;
To co-operate with any other County Association
whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of this Association;
To do all such other things the Association may
consider to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects as
stated in (a), (b) and (c) above.
3. Membership
– (1) By Birth, (2) Any resident of the County (3) Any Amateur Lady member (as defined by R & A Rules Ltd) of a recognised golf club within the County and on
payment of current entrance fee, (4) who are in possession of a WHS Handicap Index of 36, except for Junior Members.
4. Membership
of the Association is restricted to 250 members plus honorary, non-playing and
junior members. Members 80 years old on
1st January and with 25 years continuous years membership will be
granted Life Membership. All
applications for membership to be made on an official application form. If membership be fully subscribed, names will
be placed on a waiting list except for those with handicap of six or under to
be admitted automatically.
5. The
annual subscription for playing, non-playing, intermediate and junior members
shall be payable on 1st January.
Any member failing to pay her subscription by 1st March shall
cease to be a member of the Association.
Resignation in writing must be submitted by 31st December.
6. The
management of the Association shall be in the hands of the office-bearers and a
committee of six members.
7. The
office-bearers elected at the annual general meeting shall be (a) President,
(b) Vice –President, (c) Captain, (d) Vice-Captain, (e) Honorary Secretary, (f)
Honorary Treasurer, and (g) Junior Convenor.
The President
shall hold office for not more than three years and shall not be eligible for
immediate re-election. She may stay on
committee for one year ex-officio.
The Captain
and Vice-Captain shall hold office for not more than two years and shall not be
eligible for immediate re-election.
All other office-bearers shall
be elected annually.
8. The
committee shall be made up of six members from different clubs. Two members shall retire annually in rotation
and shall not normally be eligible for immediate re-election. Nominations for election of office-bearers
and members of committee to be submitted in writing to the secretary 28 days
before the annual general meeting.
The management committee shall
have the right to co-opt members if necessary.
9. The
annual general meeting shall be held in October.
10. Extraordinary
general meetings may be held whenever the management committee deems it
necessary or by a requisition signed by at least 20 members, not more than 10
of which shall be from one club.
11. The
Association’s financial year shall end on 31st July. The accounts shall be reviewed annually by a qualified person, approved by the Committee.
12. Competitions
shall be in accordance with :
The Rules of Golf as approved by the R and A
Rules Ltd.
The provisions of WHS Handicap Index.
Any relevant regulations of Scottish Golf Ltd.
The Regulations or Conditions of Competition
established by the committee.
13. County
Championship: The 16 lowest scratch scores returned at the Spring Meeting
shall qualify for the match play stages of the County Championship. In the event of a tie for 16th
place, this shall be decided on the last nine, six, three or one holes.
14. Junior Section: The Association shall
admit junior members under the same age qualifications as for the Scottish
Girls’ Championship. The subscription
shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting and no entrance fee will be
At an annual
meeting for the junior members, the Patrick Trophy shall be awarded to the
member returning the lowest scratch score and the Junior Cup shall be awarded to
the member returning the lowest net score.
15. Intermediate Member: The Association
shall admit Intermediate members ages 18 to 23. The subscription shall be decided at the
Annual General Meeting and no entrance fee will be charged.
16. The
Constitution shall not be altered unless three weeks’ notice of the proposed
alteration be given to members. Any
alterations shall have a two-thirds majority at a general meeting of a least 20
17. Dissolution or Winding Up of Association: if
upon dissolution or winding up of the Association there remains after the
satisfaction of all debts or liabilities any property whatsoever shall be
transferred either to any association to which the Association is affiliated
or, to some other organisation having objects similar to the Association. This organisation shall be determined by the
members at a general meeting.
Revised 2023